Surface.this - multiple declarations

Function Surface.this

Creates an RGB surface given at least a width and a height

this (
  int width,
  int height,
  int depth = 32,
  uint flags = 0u,
  uint Rmask = 0u,
  uint Gmask = 0u,
  uint Bmask = 0u,
  uint Amask = 0u

Function Surface.this

Creates an RGB surface given at least a width, height, and an SDL_PixelFormatEnum

this (
  int width,
  int height,
  uint format,
  int depth = 32,
  uint flags = 0u

Function Surface.this

Creates a surface from another surface but with a different pixel format

this (
  Surface src,
  derelict.sdl2.internal.sdl_types.SDL_PixelFormat* fmt,
  uint flags = 0u

this (
  Surface src,
  uint fmt,
  uint flags = 0u

Function Surface.this

Creates a surface from a BMP file path; for other image formats, use loadImage

this (
  string bmpFilePath

Function Surface.this

Creates a surface from an already existing SDL_Surface

this (
  derelict.sdl2.internal.sdl_types.SDL_Surface* alreadyExisting